Factory/Industrial Wi-Fi Network Installation

The WIFI BROTHERS High-speed fiber-based Wi-Fi networks are integral to the efficiency and competitiveness of factories and industrial complexes, driving innovation and streamlining operations. These networks provide a robust and reliable platform for seamless communication and data transfer, enabling real-time monitoring of machinery, inventory, and production processes. With high-speed connectivity, industrial automation systems can function optimally, enhancing precision, reducing downtime, and ultimately improving overall productivity.

Here at WIFI BROTHERS, these networks support the implementation of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), allowing for the interconnectivity of devices and sensors. This facilitates data collection, analysis, and predictive maintenance, enabling factories to proactively address equipment issues before they lead to disruptions. High-speed Wi-Fi also facilitates instant communication among workers, supervisors, and management, promoting a collaborative and responsive working environment.

In terms of logistics and inventory management, high-speed Wi-Fi networks enable the use of advanced tracking systems, optimizing supply chain processes and reducing inefficiencies. Additionally, the connectivity supports the adoption of smart factory technologies, such as robotics and augmented reality, further enhancing operational efficiency and worker safety.

In summary, high-speed fiber-based Wi-Fi networks are a cornerstone for the modernization of factories and industrial complexes, fostering innovation, improving productivity, and ensuring a competitive edge in today’s technologically-driven industrial landscape.

Our Services



Enterprise level security consulting by WIFI BROTHERS is performed by Steve Adams for Theme Parks, Major Resorts, Major Retail, Corporate Offices , and Industrial clients by contract only. Please contact us and request to speak with Steve Adams (Senior Corporate IT Network Security Engineer). OH,PA,FL,VA,TX,CA,MO



Installing a high-speed network will begin once all plans are approved by the customer and equipment needed for the installation is received by WIFI BROTHERS. The installers will begin the installation process according to the engineering scope of work. We will communicate with our customers by arranging an approximate start and finish date in advance of the installation.

Speed Testing

Speed Testing

Here at WIFI BROTHERS, we do a little more than just install high speed Wi-Fi networks. We will also educate our customers about their new investment. The speed test is the most important tool for any business with guests using their Wi-Fi network. Why? The most common complaint about our Wi-Fi systems is actually USER ERROR. This is when a person or device makes a mistake and selects either the wrong Wi-Fi network altogether or simply enters the wrong password or both. We will educate you on how to approach this problem. Some people will NEVER admit that they are wrong even when everything is perfect. We will show you how to nicely show them that you are receiving high-speed Wi-Fi while you are standing right next to them and their device. WIFI BROTHERS can also remotely monitor the health of your systems speed remotely from our main office.